
Reverend Dr. William H. Curtis

The Seed of Faith
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)

In Canada, a believer operated a large green farm of some 2,500 acres. A visitor asked this farmer how he planted his seed. The farmer reached into a bin, pulled out an ear of corn, and proceeded to pop off the kernels. One by one, he placed them in the soil with his fingers. Then he asked the visitor, “Do you believe that we plant seed this way?”

The visitor answered, “No, sir.” The farmer replied, “You’re right, because that’s certainly not how we do it.” He then pointed to a distributor that was some 30 feet wide. “We take a double tandem truck, fill it with certified seed, back it up to the distributor, open the slots, and pour in massive quantities of seed.” He went on to say, “If you’re ever going to be cheap, don’t be cheap with the seed. One bushel of seed invested yields 30 bushels of grain harvested. Thirty to one is not a bad return if you’re ready to believe and willing to invest.”

Friend, whatever you decide to cut back on in your life, don’t cut back on the seed of your faith. In fact, pour your faith on Christ’s sufficiency, sparing nothing. Believe Him for everything. Sow your seed exceedingly and abundantly. Take all the seed you have and toss it in His direction, trusting that if you can give Him faith the size of a mustard seed, He can give you back mountain-moving possibilities and options.

If all you have is a little belief yet left, don’t use that belief on things that fade, rust, decay, and corrupt. Instead, take that same ounce of belief and toss it in His direction, because if you do, you will not come up empty. How do I know? Because the Bible promises that He shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You have access to an all-sufficient God who is never cheap. He gives abundantly from the bountiful harvest that is grown from the seed of faith.