
Reverend Dr. William H. Curtis

Keep Showing Up 

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9 (NIV) 

There are times in life when each and every one of us—because of weariness or a bad attitude or selfishness or whatever—feels defeated and deflated. Our resolve to keep fighting, keep working, keep doing what we are called to do, is simply spent. I have felt it myself, even in the work of ministry.

But do you know what? Even if I didn't feel like praising and preaching, even if I didn't feel like congregating with anybody, I knew that if I could just show up and give Him the offering of my presence, He could make up the difference between where I was and where I should be.

And I can tell you there have been many a weekend or a weeknight that God blessed me as a reward for the offering of my simply showing up.

Right now, you may be living in a state of hardship, trial, weariness, constant discomfort, or longing for wholeness. You may be dealing with chronic pain or a sense of overwhelming discouragement. If that is the case for you, know this: One of your greatest gifts is to keep showing up.

You can call it spiritual persistence. You can call it holy tenacity. You can call it enduring faith. You can call it perseverance. I don't care what theological tag you put on it. The point is simple: One of the greatest gifts that salvation has given you is the gift to keep showing up. No matter how long you've been bent over and suffering and ignored, I guarantee that God is worth your not quitting.

I'd rather crawl through life in my pain than to give up on God, because the one thing I know is that God will never give up on me.

Make a choice now that even if you have no strength left, your optimism is waning, and your trust is dissipating, if all you have left is the ability to show up, you will count Jesus worth at least that offering.