
Reverend Dr. William H. Curtis

Because He Cares

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

Peter, in chapter 5 of his epistle, makes the bold theological assertion and affirmation to people who are being gripped by anxiety, weighed down by worry, and living excessively concerned about so many cares.

Peter gets a peek behind the veneer of our worries, and he responds to us like this:

Child of God, amidst the backdrop of so much for which you ought to have anxiety, cast your cares on Him. Why? Because He cares for you. The word “cast,” when transliterated from the original, means to toss or to throw.

Casting our cares on Jesus is the appropriate spiritual response to the questions that worry will often raise.

Jesus’s care for you gives you a reason to wake up every day against the backdrop of all we are dealing with in the various seasons of our lives. Casting your cares on Jesus challenges your assertions and forces you to wake up every day to ask yourself, “How deeply do I believe in Jesus?”

He is concerned about what is worrying you. In fact, He grieves over it. He has an emotional response to your lived experience. He feels your pain. He is acquainted with your grief. He is touched by your infirmities. Therefore,

  • Don’t feel like you’re putting too much burden on Him. He can handle it.
  • Don’t feel like you’re talking to Him too much. He prefers you to talk to Him.
  • Don’t feel like your complaints are going to reach ears that are too sensitive to hear.

When worry is squeezing us, He wants you to cast your burdens on Him in humility.

As Christians, we live remembering that we did not come here to stay. Our total emotional investment therefore can never be deposited, nor should it be withdrawn, in one season alone. That is to say, don’t let worry make you offer a withdrawal of your healthy emotionality.

Because of Jesus, we are assured a salvation that results in Him being exalted and His people being elevated to rule and reign. We have to really trust what scripture says when it teaches that all things are working together for our good (Romans 8:28). Despite the persecution, the pressure, the people, the problems, the peril, and the pain, we have a living hope. We stand in the midst of uncertainty, but we are certain of this truth: Jesus Christ is the complete fulfillment of God’s intent for humanity—and He cares deeply for you!