Proverbs 20:24
A person’s steps are directed by the Lord.
How then can anyone understand their own way?
Last week, I wrote about how important it is for us to venture out of our comfortable lives and get to know the world.
This can be a very powerful experience if we open ourselves to it. Think of the sense of awe we get from going out to see some impressive natural sight like the Grand Canyon or a meteor shower or a starlit sky. Just witnessing such things can bring home, in an instant, the power of God. It’s God in that beautiful sunset we catch for the first time in months out of our car window as we sit in traffic. It’s God in the first big snow when the city goes all white and work is called off for a day. We can experience the awesomeness of God in so many ways when we take a moment to step away from our regular routines.
The point of adventure is not just to make God more apparent but to bring us closer to God. When we take on adventure, we are literally walking towards God with every new step.
Adventure isn’t just about getting away or relaxing or even acting as that unifying force I mentioned last week. It is about consciously turning ourselves towards God and seeking Him out in a new place.
As Proverbs tells us above, we don’t direct our steps, God does, and taking an opportunity to experience new things acknowledges that. It opens us up to allowing God to direct our steps, allowing us to further seek out God’s purpose for our lives.